Our Mission
Our goal with The Geek Room is to create a place that can instill that same sense of wonder in a new generation of gamers and help bring them into the hobby. At the same time we also want to make sure that more experienced and advanced gamers have a wide selection of some of the best games and high quality hobby supplies available in Omaha.
Most of all we are committed to creating a safe, friendly, open place for gamers to gather in West Omaha to share in the fun of the hobby.
How We Started
The Geek Room is owned by Jason Kopecky. Jason started gaming over 30 years ago. He still remembers the first time he entered his friendly local game store in Millard in the 80’s and describes it as “being filled with an overwhelming sense of wonder, kinda like the first time Harry Potter enters Diagon Alley. Simply awestruck at discovering a world of magic and potential that I never knew existed.”
Our Games
We have a wide selection of hobby board games, role-playing games, collectible card games, and tabletop war games.
We also carry hobby supplies, paints, and gaming accessories.
We also have tables available for play and are even open until 1 am on Fridays and Saturdays for gaming.